martes, 24 de abril de 2012

My notebook :)

Today I will talk about my favourite piece of technology.
 Really I don`t have a favourite piece of technology because I'm really bad with this artefact. I think that I choose the notebook like my favorite piece of technology because I use it very much.
I use my pc every day  to talk with my boyfriend and my friends, for works, surf on internet and listen to music. Something for to play in pc.
I have this notebook since I finished the school, my parents gave it to me for my university life.
I like very much because if I don´t have this, I don`t talk with my boyfriend that I missed very much and I don`t study very well.
My notebook is red and I would like to stick a drawing to make it look more beautiful but I never buy one.
Without my computer I think that I would be bored when I stay in my house and I don`t know nothing about homework of university.

Well i hope that you like my post :)
See you

Bárbara Soto V

miércoles, 18 de abril de 2012

My favorite band

Today i´m going to talk about of my favorite band.
I really don´t have a favorite band but i like very much the "kiss" band
Kiss is an american band and they plays a rock music. They are famous because they when to go play a concert, they are paint their face and they use a strange clothes. This group to born in 1970 and they to make concert that include  pyrotechnics, guitars with smoke,cannons and other strange things. In the band are 4 integrant:
Gene Simmons : voice and bass guitar.
Paul Stanley: voice and guitar
Tommy Thayer: voice and guitar
Eric Singer: voice and drums

This is a kiss make up

I like very much Gene Simmons integrant because i think that he is a funny man. He had a tv show called " Gene Simmons family jewels" and  something i saw this program.

More pictures of de band.....

Have a good day :) bye

Bárbara Soto

martes, 10 de abril de 2012


I am Bárbara Soto and now i write my biography.
I was born in Punta Arenas, Chile, 19 years ago, specifically on October 18.

In Punta Arenas city I studied for 12 years in Cruz del Sur school and now i´m studying veterinarian medicine in Universidad de Chile.
I started to study in the university in 2011and i must finish studied in 2016.
Here i like to play football and i want practice more sports.

In Santiago i live with my brother Alvaro, he´s too studies here but he´s finishing this degree, but i think that he doesn´t come back to Punta Arenas so i can live with him.

In Punta Arenas i live with my parents Nicolás and Verónica. My father travels to Santiago a lot times for work and always he stays with us. And my mum  traveled for my grandfather's birthday at the end of march until Holy week.
And that is all.

Bye :)