martes, 15 de mayo de 2012

Today, the topic that I talk is: why do I want to be a vet?

When I was a little girl I wanted to study veterinary medicine and chemistry and pharmacy because that is the job that my parents have.
Too, I wanted to be firewoman or a doctor.
When I was a child, my dad always brougth a sick or hunt animals that  had been found in the city or in the country and we had cure them.
Someone of the animals was a parrot with the broke beak, an armadillo, a penguin, a sick rabbit and more animals. One day I was with my dad and called it for a hurt owl that it 3 bullets in the head and it can`t see with one eye.

We took it to the "estancia lolita", a minizoo but it died.
Therefore that I decided study veterinary medicine, because I always like that, I like very much the animals and I want to help at the enviroment and the life around us helping  to innocent creature.
Now I like job in the future at animal conservation or in the area of ethology. 

Bye :)

Bárbara Soto

4 comentarios:

  1. mmmmm interesting,we could job in it of the conservation, I like this too

  2. It´s very sad about the howl's death :(
    But it's great that you want to follow your father's steps.

  3. hi bar
    the animal conservation is very important

  4. I liked so much your post Barbara :)
    the animal conservation,is a interesting area of the medicine veterinarian.
