Hi, today I`m going to talk about my favorite website. Really for me, is difficult decided of my favorite website because I don`t used very much the internet, only for to talk about my friends, family, boyfriend and for to work or study. I use Facebook a lot of much but today I choose the website
" http://www.sdd-fanatico.org/ ".
This website I used to unload films or series that I want to see. It has a lot of films, Films premiere, old movies, the comedy movies, scary movies, romantic movies and other more.
Well I used this page since one or two years, in Punta Arenas I not used much because my internet there was very slow, but when I come to Santiago I to begin used this website.
"Fanatico" has too options for upload books, music, applications and games.
I like that because it has films that it not to show in the cinema and it is virus free.
I don´t saw very much, ocassionally when I want see any movies.
This has been all for today bye :)