martes, 19 de junio de 2012

My favorite website

 Hi, today I`m going to talk about my favorite website. Really for me, is difficult decided of my favorite website because I don`t used very much the internet, only for to talk about my friends, family, boyfriend and for to work or study. I use Facebook a lot of much but today I choose the website
" ".
This website I used to unload films or series that I want to see. It has a lot of films, Films premiere, old movies, the comedy movies, scary movies, romantic movies and other more.

Well I used this page since one or two years, in Punta Arenas I not used much because my internet there was very slow, but when I come to Santiago I to begin used this website.

"Fanatico" has too options for upload books, music, applications and games.
I like that because it has films that it not to show in the cinema and it is virus free.
I don´t saw very much, ocassionally when I want see any movies.

This has been all for today bye :)

martes, 12 de junio de 2012

A Country I would like to visit...                                      A delicius lasagne
Hi friends...
Today I`m tell you about one of the country that I would like to visit...
I like a lot of lands of Latin American, Europe or Asia like Japan, Brazil, Italy, and other more.
A two years ago, I traveled to Brazil and I liked very much. It`s a calm place, in the nigth we can went to the beach  and we played soccer, it was very funny.
I would like to travel again but if I could choose a country to visit... I think that I choose Italy because I really like pasta like lasagne, ñoki, fetuccini and other Italian food that I would like eat the real Italian food.
Also, I want to go there  fot to know the Pizza          tower, Colosseum, Vatican city ant other beautiful places.          
 Italy has too a Attraction Park called Gardaland and have a big roller coaster that is amazing.
I want learn the Italian language and the most way to learn is talk with Italian person. 
In the  Angels & demonds film we can see the places that I mentioned 
When I going to Italy I take a lot pictures for us :)

I hope that have a good day and see you in the next blogs post :)

martes, 5 de junio de 2012

My two favorite dog breeds

Hi everybody! :)
Today I´m going to write about two of my favorite dog breeds...

Well, is very dificult choose because I really like a lot of dogs like bull terrier, pitbull, golden retriever, kerry blue terrier, and other more but I decided for the St Bernard and Great Pyrenees.

St Bernard is a large dog used to rescue people. Its colour are brown or reddish and white. This breed is from the Italian and Swiss Alps. Sometimes, in some places it use a barrel in the neck when its work to save people. I like very much this dog because I like a large and hairy dog and I would like sleep embracing them.

The other dog that I choose is Pyrenean Mountain Dog, that is the dog that it protect the sheep in the university  :) When I saw this dog in the university I liked. Is white and also is large and hairy like St Bernard. This dog is used like livestock guardian dog

If I have a long courtyard or if I live in the country I would like have this dog, but now I can´t have one because I don't have a long courtyard in Punta Arenas and here in Santiago I live in a department.

I see you in the next blogs post :)


miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012

This picture its took the camera timer... hahaha
Was two years ago in the courtyard  of my house.
You can see that this picture is of my family, appear my father, my mother, my brother, my dog that died in december on last year and I.

I like this picture because appear my family, and we don´t have a lot pictures of us with my dog :). 
I like too because I love my family and with this picture I can remind them.
I have this picture hanged in my room, of here in Santiago, I think that is very beautiful, with trees like landscape. With this picture I miss my dog, I love it very much and when my mother tell me that it died I couldn´t believe it. I had other dogs but she was the most lived and I she win my love.

Well I hope you liked my blog today, see you in the next week Byeee Bárbara Soto

martes, 15 de mayo de 2012

Today, the topic that I talk is: why do I want to be a vet?

When I was a little girl I wanted to study veterinary medicine and chemistry and pharmacy because that is the job that my parents have.
Too, I wanted to be firewoman or a doctor.
When I was a child, my dad always brougth a sick or hunt animals that  had been found in the city or in the country and we had cure them.
Someone of the animals was a parrot with the broke beak, an armadillo, a penguin, a sick rabbit and more animals. One day I was with my dad and called it for a hurt owl that it 3 bullets in the head and it can`t see with one eye.

We took it to the "estancia lolita", a minizoo but it died.
Therefore that I decided study veterinary medicine, because I always like that, I like very much the animals and I want to help at the enviroment and the life around us helping  to innocent creature.
Now I like job in the future at animal conservation or in the area of ethology. 

Bye :)

Bárbara Soto

martes, 8 de mayo de 2012

my favorite animal

now I`m going to talk about my favorite animal...


I like this animal because I think that is beautiful and mysterious. I like it colour and aggressiveness.
This animal is very big mammal and her main feature is it colour black because her parents not have this colour and they are different of other panther. It had green eyes, black coat and to excel in hability of the other feline.
Panther is the kind of the black panther, this include five species: leopard, jaguar, lion, tiger and snow leopard.
The black panther is a carnivorous animal and usually eat deer, monkeys, birds and they can to hunt humans. They to hunt in morning our night.

They generally live lonely except in reproduction period. To inhabit in the jungle specifically in India and southeastern Asia.

Is an animal in endangered. They have enemys like tigers, lions, pythons, crocodiles and other wild animals. However the worse enemy is the human, they to hunt for sport and fur trade.

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

my opinion about some subjects

Hi, the blog post today is about my opinion of five question.

The first question is What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?
I think that not should to legalize because if will be that's, the addiction to increase and the people consume other drugs more addictive.

What is your opinion about recycling?
My opinion of this topic is good beacuse we save the planet and reduce the contamination.

What is your opinion about “barras bravas”?
I'm afraid I have to disagree with the barras bravas because they make a lot of offense and they are very agressive. For example I like very much the Universidad de chile team but I don't to belong at this "barras bravas" because they fight with the other fanatic of different team.

What is your opinion about  climate change?
The climate change in my opinion is because ours fault because we don't care the planet and we to pollute the word.
What is your opinion about women in the military?
i think that is good because this help to 
 equal opportunities or the makind equal. I think that the women can be  make the similar things that the men.

Well, i have nothing more to say...


martes, 24 de abril de 2012

My notebook :)

Today I will talk about my favourite piece of technology.
 Really I don`t have a favourite piece of technology because I'm really bad with this artefact. I think that I choose the notebook like my favorite piece of technology because I use it very much.
I use my pc every day  to talk with my boyfriend and my friends, for works, surf on internet and listen to music. Something for to play in pc.
I have this notebook since I finished the school, my parents gave it to me for my university life.
I like very much because if I don´t have this, I don`t talk with my boyfriend that I missed very much and I don`t study very well.
My notebook is red and I would like to stick a drawing to make it look more beautiful but I never buy one.
Without my computer I think that I would be bored when I stay in my house and I don`t know nothing about homework of university.

Well i hope that you like my post :)
See you

Bárbara Soto V

miércoles, 18 de abril de 2012

My favorite band

Today i´m going to talk about of my favorite band.
I really don´t have a favorite band but i like very much the "kiss" band
Kiss is an american band and they plays a rock music. They are famous because they when to go play a concert, they are paint their face and they use a strange clothes. This group to born in 1970 and they to make concert that include  pyrotechnics, guitars with smoke,cannons and other strange things. In the band are 4 integrant:
Gene Simmons : voice and bass guitar.
Paul Stanley: voice and guitar
Tommy Thayer: voice and guitar
Eric Singer: voice and drums

This is a kiss make up

I like very much Gene Simmons integrant because i think that he is a funny man. He had a tv show called " Gene Simmons family jewels" and  something i saw this program.

More pictures of de band.....

Have a good day :) bye

Bárbara Soto

martes, 10 de abril de 2012


I am Bárbara Soto and now i write my biography.
I was born in Punta Arenas, Chile, 19 years ago, specifically on October 18.

In Punta Arenas city I studied for 12 years in Cruz del Sur school and now i´m studying veterinarian medicine in Universidad de Chile.
I started to study in the university in 2011and i must finish studied in 2016.
Here i like to play football and i want practice more sports.

In Santiago i live with my brother Alvaro, he´s too studies here but he´s finishing this degree, but i think that he doesn´t come back to Punta Arenas so i can live with him.

In Punta Arenas i live with my parents Nicolás and Verónica. My father travels to Santiago a lot times for work and always he stays with us. And my mum  traveled for my grandfather's birthday at the end of march until Holy week.
And that is all.

Bye :)